For thorough and complete international legal research, a bibliography can be a very useful tool and sometimes is even required. A good bibliography is useful to generate a good understanding of a legal topic or case, and will eventually help you to structure your road map for approaching your research problem. It’s a means of proving that your research came from reputable sources. This usually includes legal scholars, academics, historians, scientists and the like.
However, a bibliography is not solely for protecting your reader against misinformation. It also has the back of all those writers who came before you. It can also protect your writing from others. So, one of the main purposes of a bibliography is to give credit where credit is due. Avoid plagiarism by including all of your research material in your bibliography. Let your readers know from where your ideas came from in a neat list at the end of your work. This will help future researchers.
The Law Librarians of the Peace Palace Library, as information professionals and experts in specific fields of law, can assist you in the search and retrieval of international legal information. They can find the most relevant, accurate and unique search results and process them in a bibliography according to set parameters of your choosing.
Do you have a specific research request? You can now order your bibliography. Please, indicate the subject of your interest and Ask Hugo!
How much will it cost? Prices vary depending on
- the scope and difficulty of the research
- the length of the bibliography
- the time one of our Law Librarians has spent
- the additional time spent updating the bibliography, if requested
Current Bibliographies
The Library also regularly publishes a bibliography in renowned journals, a few examples.