Embassy Centennial Book Donation Project: Switzerland and Iraq


Almost 8 months have passed since the Peace Palace Centenary on August 28th took place, but Embassy book donations continue to pour in. This month, the Embassies of Switzerland and Iraq generously donated to our special book donation project and enriched our National Law Collection. Find out which publications are now part of the Library Collection.

On February 20, we received a pleasant visit from Mr. Philippe Brandt, Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Switzerland. The Swiss Embassy generously donated 17 publications and has enriched our Library Collection with the following titles:

These are:

On March 3, we welcomed Ms. Kani Shareef, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Iraq in the Reading  Room of the Library. The Embassy of Iraq generously donated 31 publications on the subject of family law, civil law, criminal law and the Iraqi constitution to the Library.
