Law of the Sea ITLOS Cases

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)

ITLOS Case nr. 29

The M/T "San Padre Pio" (No. 2) Case (Switzerland/Nigeria)

ITLOS Case nr. 28

Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius/Maldives)

Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Receuil des arrets, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2018-2019. [e-book]

Relevant titles in Peace Palace library catalogue on

"Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius/Maldives)" [PPL-Keyword]

Qi, X., "Reviving the Monetary Gold principle? a case note on the judgment of preliminary objections in the Mauritius/Maldives case", 54 (2023) Ocean Development & International Law, No. 1, pp. 1–25.

ITLOS Case nr. 27

The M/T "San Padre Pio" Case (Switzerland v. Nigeria): order of 6 July 2019 in: Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Receuil des arrets, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2018-2019, pp. 375-506. [e-book]


ITLOS Case nr. 26

Case concerning the detention of three Ukrainian naval vessels (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), Provisional Measures, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2021.

Relevant titles in Peace Palace library catalogue on

"Case concerning the detention of three Ukrainian naval vessels (Ukraine v. Russian Federation)" [PPL-Keyword]


ITLOS Case nr. 25

The M/V "Norstar" case (Panama v. Italy): preliminary objections = Affaire du navire "Norstar" (Panama c. Italie): exeptions préliminaire, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2018.  [e-book]

Relevant titles in Peace Palace library catalogue on "Norstar" [PPL-Keyword]


ITLOS Case nr. 24

The "Enrica Lexie" incident (Italy v. India): provisional measures = L' incident de l' "Enrica Lexie"(Italie c. Inde): mesures conservatoires, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2017.  [e-book]

Relevant titles in Peace Palace library catalogue on "Enrica Lexie" [PPL-Keyword]

ITLOS Case nr. 23

Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Ghana and Ivory Coast in the Atlantic Ocean (Ghana/Ivory Coast): merits = Différend relatif à la délimitation de la frontière maritime entre la Ghana et la Côte d'Ivoire dans L'Ocean Atlantique (Ghana/Côte d'Ivoire): fond, 2 volumes, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2020.  [e-book]

Relevant titles in Peace Palace library catalogue on "Ghana/Ivory Coast" [PPL-Keyword]

ITLOS Case nr. 22

The "Arctic Sunrise" case (Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation): provisional measures = Affaire de l'"Arctic Sunrise" (Royaume des Pays-Bas c. Federation de Russie): mesures conservatoires, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2015.  [e-book]

Relevant titles in Peace Palace library catalogue on "Arctic Sunrise" [PPL-Keyword]

ITLOS Case nr. 21

Request for an advisory opinion submitted by the sub-regional fisheries commission (SRFC): (request for advisory opinion submitted to the tribunal) = Demande d'avis consultatif soumise par la commission sous-régionale des pêches (CSR): (demande d'avis consultatif soumise au tribunal), 2 volumes,  International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Brill Nijhoff, 2016.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 20

The "Ara Libertad" case (Argentina v. Ghana), provisional measures / = Affaire de l'"Ara Libertad" (Argentine c. Ghana), mesures conservatoires, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2014.  [e-book]

Relevant titles in Peace Palace library catalogue on "ARA Libertad" [PPL-Keyword]

ITLOS Case nr. 19

The M/V "Virginia G" case (Panama/Guinea-Bissau) = Affaire du navire "Virginia G" (Panama/Guinée-Bissau), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff, 2016.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 18

The M/V "Louisa" Case (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Kingdom of Spain): merits = Affaire du navire "Louisa" (Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines c. Royaume d'Espagne): fond, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2015.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 17

Responsabilities and obligations of states sponsoring persons and entities with respect to activities in the area (request for advisory opinion submitted to the Seabed Disputes Chamber = Responsabilités et obligations des états qui patronnent des personnes et des entités dans le cadre d'activités menées dans la zone (demande d'avis consultatif soumise à la Chambre pour le règlement des différends relatifs au fonds marins), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2014.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 16

Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh/Myanmar) . Tome I., Tome II., International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2014.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 15

The "Tomimaru" case (Japan v. Russian Federation): prompt release = Affaire du "Tomimaru" (Japon c. Fédération de Russie): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2011.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 14

The "Hoshinmaru" case (Japan v. Russian Federation): prompt release = Affaire du "Hoshinmaru" (Japon c. Fédération de Russie): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2010.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 13

The "Juno trader" case (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea-Bissau): prompt release = L'affaire du "Juno trader" (Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines c. Guinée-Bissau): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2010.  [e-book]

ITLOS Case nr. 12

Case concerning land reclamation by Singapore in and around the Straits of Johor (Malaysia v. Singapore): provisional measures = Affaire relative aux travaux de poldérisation par Singapour à l'intérieur et à proximité du détroit de Johor (Malaisie c. Singapour): mesures conservatoires, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2010.

ITLOS Case nr. 11

The "Volga" Case (Russian Federation v. Australia): prompt release = Affaire du "Volga" (Fédération de Russie c. Australie): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2009.

ITLOS Case nr. 10

The Mox Plant Case (Ireland v. United Kingdom): provisional measures = Affaire de l'Usine Mox (Irlande c. Royaume-Uni): mesures conservatoires, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2008.

ITLOS Case nr. 9

The "Chaisiri Reefer 2" case (Panama v. Yemen): prompt release = Affaire du "Chaisiri Reefer 2", (Panama c. Yémen): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2007.

ITLOS Case nr. 8

The "Grand Prince" case (Belize v. France): prompt release = Affaire du "Grand Prince" (Belize v. France): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2007.

ITLOS Case nr. 7

Case concerning the conservation and sustainable exploitation of swordfish stocks in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean (Chile/European Union) = Affaire concernant la conservation et l'exploitation durable des stocks d'espadon dans l'Océan Pacifique Sud-est (Chili/Union Européenne), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2013.

ITLOS Case nr. 6:

The "Monte Confurco" case (Seychelles v. France): prompt release = Affaire du "Monte Confurco" (Seychelles c. France): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2008.

ITLOS Case nr. 5

The "Camoucou" case (Panama v. France): prompt release = Affaire du "Camouco" (Panama c. France) : prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2006.

ITLOS Case nr. 3+4

Southern bluefin tuna cases: (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan): provisional measures = Affaires du thon à nageoire bleue: (Nouvelle-Zélande c. Japon; Australie c. Japon): mesures conservatoires, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2005.

ITLOS Case nr. 2

The M/V "SAIGA" (No. 2) Case: (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea): merits = Affaire du navire "SAIGA" (No. 2): (Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines c. Guinée): fond, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Leiden, Nijhoff, 2006.

ITLOS Case nr. 1

The M/V "SAIGA" case: (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines v. Guinea): prompt release = Affaire du navire "SAIGA": (Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines c. Guinée): prompte mainlevée, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 2001.