Spring is Coming! Daffodils ‘Thomas Mawson’ in the Peace Palace Gardens

The gardens are full of lovely yellow daffodils ‘Thomas Mawson’. During last year’s Centennial celebrations, Thomas H. Mawson, the famous British landscaper who designed the gardens and grounds of the Peace Palace, was honored with a special daffodil (narcissus) that bears his name.

Thomas Hayton Mawson (1861-1933) was a British garden designer, landscape architect, and town planner. He began designing gardens in the 1890s. He forged his distinctive style - solid formality round the house with foreground terraces and balustrades - in the Lake District, where his genius allowed the garden to open out into the landscape. From humble beginnings he was soon the most sought-after garden and landscape designer of the day. He could name crowned heads of Europe as his clients and friends, as well as self-made industrialists such as Lord Leverhulme and Andrew Carnegie. In 1908 he was chosen to design the Peace Palace gardens at The Hague.