Today, 28 june 2019, is the Centennial of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Signed on 28 June 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles Palace, the Treaty was the most important of the peace treaties that brought an end to World War I. To mark this anniversary, the Peace Palace Library has put together a collection of books exploring the background and aftermath of the Versailles Treaty.
The Treaty of Versailles was the most important of the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end. The Treaty ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which had directly led to the war. The other Central Powers on the German side signed separate treaties. Although the Armistice, signed on 11 November 1918, ended the actual fighting, it took six months of Allied negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference to conclude the peace treaty. The treaty was registered by the Secretariat of the League of Nations on 21 October 1919.
Paris Peace Conference 1919
- Recueil des actes de la conférence, Conférence de la Paix 1919-1920, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale.
- The Paris Peace Conference, Papers relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1919, Washington, United States Government Printing Office.
- Beau de Loménie, E., Le débat de ratification du Traité de Versailles à la Chambre des Députés et dans la presse en 1919, Paris, Editions Denoël, 1945.
- Jordan, W.M., Great Britain, France, and the German Problem 1918-1939, London etc., Oxford University Press, 1943.
- Kleine-Ahlbrandt, W.L., The Burden of Victory: France, Britain and the Enforcement of the Versailles Peace, 1919-1925, Lanham, New York, London, University Press of America, Inc., 1995.
- Lowczyk, O., La fabrique de la paix: du Comité d'études à la Conférence de la Paix, l'élaboration par la France des traités de la Première Guerre mondiale, Paris, Economica, 2010.
- McDougall, W.A., France's Rhineland Diplomacy, 1914-1924: The Last Bid for a Balance of Power in Europe, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1978.
- Noble, G.B., Policies and Opinions at Paris, 1919: Wilsonian Diplomacy the Versailles Peace and French Public Opinion, New York, The Mamillan Company, 1935.
- Wolfers, A., Britain and France between Two Wars: Conflicting Strategies of Peace since Versailles, New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1940.
Great Britain
- Goldstein, E., Winning the Peace: British Diplomatic Strategy, Peace Planning, and the Paris Peace Conference, 1916-1920, Oxford, Clarendon, 1991.
- Jordan, W.M., Great Britain, France, and the German Problem 1918-1939, London etc., Oxford University Press, 1943.
- Kleine-Ahlbrandt, W.L., The Burden of Victory: France, Britain and the Enforcement of the Versailles Peace, 1919-1925, Lanham, New York, London, University Press of America, Inc., 1995.
- Tilman, S.P., Anglo-American Relations at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1961.
- Wolfers, A., Britain and France between Two Wars: Conflicting Strategies of Peace since Versailles, New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1940.
United States of America
- Ferguson, N., The War of the World: Twentieth Century Conflict and the Decline of the West, New York, Penguin Press, 2006.
- Grosclaude, E., Le président Wilson: conférence donnée à Versailles au Bosquet d'Apollon, le 8 septembre 1918, par le Comité "L'Effort de la France et de ses alliés, Paris, Bloud et Gay, 1918.
- Heckscher, A., Woodrow Wilson: A Biography, New York, Scribner's (Macmillan), 1992.
- Kennedy, R.A., A Companion to Woodrow Wilson, Chichester, Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
- Noble, G.B., Policies and Opinions at Paris, 1919: Wilsonian Diplomacy the Versailles Peace and French Public Opinion, New York, The Mamillan Company, 1935.
- Tilman, S.P., Anglo-American Relations at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1961.
- Walworth, A.C., Wilson and His Peacemakers: American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919, New York, Norton, 1986.
Territorial Changes
- Brönner, W., Stimmen führender Ostleute: "der unmögliche Friede", Danzig, [s.n.], 1920.
- Coussange, J. de, Le Slesvig: le droit des peuples et le Traité de Versailles, Paris, Pedone, 1932.
- Kremser, H., "Elsass-Lothringen bei den Versailler Friedensverhandlungen", in: Der Erste Weltkrieg und seine Folgen für das Zusammenleben der Völker in Mittel- und Ostmitteleuropa: Teil 1, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2017, pp. 99-111.
- Pape, A., Die schleswigsche Frage und der Versuch ihrer Lösung im Vertrag von Versailles, Thèse Würzburg, Paderborn, [s.n.], 1930.
- Territoire de la Sarre, Genève, Société des Nations, 1934-35. 27 volumes.
- Hall, H.D., Mandates, Dependencies and Trusteeship, London, Stevens, 1948.
- Margalith, A.M., The International Mandates: A Historical, Descriptive, and Analytical Study of the Theory and Principles of the Mandates System, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1930.
- The Mandates System: Origin, Principles, Application, Genève, League of Nations, 1945.
- Wright, Q., Mandates under the League of Nations, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1930.