New Book: Abogados de ficción: Libros que hablan de derecho y el derecho en la literatura


The Peace Palace Library is honored to have co-authored a recent Spanish language publication on Bertha von Suttner. We are proud to share that this is the first extensive publication in Spanish which celebrates Bertha von Suttner’s contributions to international law and international humanitarian law.

The article titled "Bertha von Suttner: el movimiente pacifista internacional, el derecho internacional humanitario y el ius contra bellum en la novela ¡Abajo las armas! (1989)" has been published as a chapter in Abogados de Ficcíon: libros que hablan de derecho y el derecho en la literatura, a collective work on law and literature edited by professor Lina Cespedes and professor Ana Maria Ferreira from Del Rosario University in Bogotá, Colombia. 

The article, co-authored with professor Walter Arévalo Ramirez (Del Rosario University), analyzes Bertha’s role as a prominent leader in various 19th century peace movements and presents a synopsis of her characterization of the atrocities of war in her famous novel Die Waffen Nieder (Abajo las armas). It further discusses the contributions of her novel to the development of international humanitarian law as well its contribution as a fundamental work of the time to peace education, the fight against militarism and the relationship between law and literature through the analysis of the work as an example of legal and literary activism.

About the book

Abogados de Ficcíon: libros que hablan de derecho y el derecho en la literatura is a book in which law and literature meet. Several authors have come together to analyze the various ways in which law is part of literature or in which literature serves to understand law. With an academic and pedagogical interest in mind, this book gathers possible dialogues between international law, private law, constitutional law, theory of law, among others, with different literary texts. The authors of this book reflect on national and international texts and go through different contexts and historical moments. Sometimes the stories in these books serve to exemplify legal concepts or terms, other times to investigate and problematize how the legal and the literary relate to each other. Abogados de ficción covers a wide range of concepts and texts, offering the reader a panoramic view of this subject.

Abogados de Ficcíon is available in the collection of the Peace Palace Library. For more information, please a message to

The Peace Palace Library would like to extend a special thank you to professor Walter Arévalo Ramirez from Del Rosario University and former intermediary of The Hague Academy of International Law for the extraordinary opportunity to contribute to this Spanish language publication on Bertha von Suttner