Doctrinal Plus, first started in 1993, is a database offering access to three types of resources: bibliographic records of journal articles, French and European jurisprudence and French and European Union legislation.
This database allows users access to articles and notes on jurisprudence published in over 350 French and international journals. In all cases, Doctrinal Plus provides bibliographic references, but for certain articles, from publishers such as Dalloz or Lextenso, it allows access to the full text. Some official French sources included are : legislation (up-to-date texts, Codes, Collective agreements,CNIL); judicial, administrative and constitutional case law.
Other topics covered by Doctrinal Plus are: (international) private law, (international) public law, commercial law, (international) economic law, transport law, energy law, labor law, religious law, sports law, philosophy of law, fiscal law, criminal law and criminology, intellectual property law, law of urban planning, legal history and more. Also included are key case law sheets.
With regards to official European sources, one can find legislation (Treaties and similar acts, External relations, Directives, Regulations, etc.), case law (CJEC, CJEU, ICTY), parliamentary work (preparatory work and parliamentary questions). The library of the Paris Bar Association contributes to the examination of the Mélangial collection.
Doctrinal Plus is widely considered is the most comprehensive database for researching French and European doctrine.