Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) serves as an online home to thousands of scholarly works from the world-renowned academic publishing list of Oxford University Press. It currently cover over 20 subjects, including politics.
A cross-searchable digital library containing more than a thousand classics and newly-published works in political science that include coverage of political theory, comparative politics, political economy, democratization, international relations, environmental politics, and American, European Union, UK and Russian politics. In this user-friendly database every book has a home page providing structured access to the full tekst, as well as bibliographic information and link related content. This database is regularly updated by Oxford University Press. Start your research here.
Over the years we have added descriptions of hundreds of Oxford Scholarship Online e-books on political science to the Catalogue, all provided with a separate genuine (DOI) link, keywords and systematic classification. Use 'words from the title' or 'relevant keywords' to find and read them. If there are any e-Books answering your query, you can click on the button View eBook.