Book Donation From Colombia


Arévalo-Ramírez, W., Sentencias de delimitación de la Corte internacional de Justicia en las constituciones nacionales de América Latina: Recepción o Resistencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2023.

(Territorial and Maritime delimitation Judgments by the International Court of Justice in the constitutional courts of Latin America: Implementation or Resistance)

The book studies the binding nature, enforceability, effectiveness and resistance to rulings of the International Court of Justice and its relationship (or collision) with domestic law in Latin America. Especially, constitutional territorial clauses and constitutional review procedures, with particular attention to cases of Colombia, Nicaragua, Salvador and Honduras, and the disputes Nicaragua v. Colombia and Peru v. Chile. The book proposes solutions to the different types of acts resistance and backlash that Latin American states have devised in the post-judicial phase of ICJ proceedings invoking constitutional norms.

As a postdoctoral addendum to the publication of the thesis as a research book, analysis is added to the recent cases Guyana v. Venezuela (2020-2021) before the ICJ, to the implementation process of Honduras and Nicaragua to the judgments of 1960 and 1992 (October 2021) and the April 2022 ruling of the ICJ in the case of alleged violations of maritime spaces Nicaragua v. Colombia, along with the final proceedings in the extended continental shelf case. 

This doctoral thesis, presented  now as a research book, was the winner of the 1st Competition for the best thesis of public law from the International Society of Public Law ICON-S , the ICON-S Chapter Colombia,  and publisher Tirant Lo Blanch.

For the author, a close relationship between legal scholars and the Peace Palace Library is fundamental for promoting open access to new international law research works, particularly in other languages like Spanish. Contributing scholarly works to the Library in various languages strengthens the diversity in international law and adds new perspectives to both traditional and more critical discussions.  

About the Author

Walter Arévalo-Ramírez holds the esteemed position of President of the Colombian Academy of International Law. He serves as the Principal Professor of Public International Law at the Law Faculty of Universidad del Rosario in Colombia. Walter is a distinguished legal scholar and obtained his Master's in International Law from Stetson University College of Law, and he earned his Doctorate (PhD) in Law, summa cum laude, from Universidad del Rosario. In addition to his academic achievements, Walter has made significant contributions as a Post-doctoral visiting researcher at The Max Planck Institute of International Law in 2021. He has previously served as a tutor at The Hague Academy of International Law in 2019 and as a Fellow of the International Law Fellowship at the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs in 2017.

Walter Arévalo-Ramírez is actively engaged in various roles, including being the Local Director of the Jean Monnet Bridge Program (Latin America), funded by the European Union. He also holds the position of Director of the Postgraduate Program in International Law at Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, and serves as the Director of the Latin American Network of International Law Journals RELAREDI. Additionally, he co-edits the Colombian Yearbook of International Law (CYIL) and is an Associate member of the "Instituto Hispano Luso Americano de Derecho Internacional.