The HeinOnline: American Law Institute Library database contains full runs of the Institute's annual reports, proceedings, Annual Meeting speeches, and the Institute's newsletter, The ALI Reporter. It also includes both current and archival Restatements of the Law, Uniform Commercial Code, Model Penal Code, ALI-ABA periodicals, and the Statement of Essential Human Rights (a pioneering ALI project of the mid-1940s).
The American Law Institute (ALI) was established in 1923 and is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The main goal of the ALI is to promote the clarification and simplification of United States common law and its adaptation to changing social needs. The Institute is made up of lawyers, judges, and law professors of the highest qualifications. It drafts, discusses, revises, and publishes Restatements of the Law, model statutes, and principles of law that are enormously influential in the courts and legislatures, as well as in legal scholarship and education. The ALI has long been influential internationally and, in recent years, more of its work has become international in scope. Start your research here.