The Max Planck Encyclopedia Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL) is a new addition in the Max Planck Encyclopdia collection and offers its users comprehensive analysis of constitutional law topics in a comparative context. It aims to introduce new insights via articles which carry out global comparisons of constitutional provisions.
The articles in this Max Planck Encyclopedia define and cover the basis and foundations of state formation and constitutional law, as well as analyzing and explaining on a global comparative perspective the underlying legal concepts such as: human rights; constitutional formation; scope of state protections; the defining structures of governmental makeup; types of legal structures and interactions within a constitutional law system; and legal constitutional concepts that make up constitutional law.
In addition, articles will provide insight and detail into key cases that have contributed to or advanced constitutional law concepts on a global scale such as Brown v. Board of Education (United States), Mizrahi Bank Case (Israel), the Minerva Mills Case (India), and Marbury v. Madison (United States). The articles will also cover key instruments in constitutional law history such as the Magna Carta, the Charter of Medina, and the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, among others.
The Max Planck Enclyclopedias are cross-searchable which means that seamless navigation is possible between articles within the website and also to commentaries and instruments from the Oxford Constitutions of the World and US Constitutional Law products, as well as through references pages on the Oxford Law Citator. This makes relevant information easily discoverable and accessible. Start your research here.