Oil, Gas & Energy Law (OGEL) is a a peer-reviewed academic journal and database covering all aspects of law pertaining to oil, gas, and energy in general. Here one can find regulations, treaties, judicial and arbitral cases, voluntary guidelines and materials related to tax and contracting matters. It also includes information regarding oil, gas and energy geopolitics.
OGEL offers the following services and products: a) OGEL Journal, an international journal focusing on recent developments in the area of oil, gas and energy law, b) access to the Legal & Regulatory database, a growing collection of laws, regulations, contracts, guidelines, tribunal and court awards. Lastly, there’s c) OGELFORUM membership, a place for discussion and sharing insights and intelligence of relevant issues related to oil, gas and energy such as policies, legislation, contracting, security strategy, climate change related to energy. OGEL has a Newsletter that is published every two months. Start your research here.