The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society features leading international scholars’ assessments of scholarly inquiry about sport and society. Divided into six sections, chapters consider dominant issues within key areas, approaches (theory and method) featured in inquiry, and debates needing resolution.
Part I: Society and Values considers matters of character, ideology, power, politics, policy, nationalism, diplomacy, militarism, law, ethics, and religion.
Part II: Enterprise and Capital considers globalization; spectacle; mega-events; Olympism; corruption; impacts on cities, communities, and the environment; and the press of leadership cultures, economic imperatives, and marketing.
Part III: Participation and Cultures considers questions of health and well-being, violence, the medicalization of injury, influences of science and technology, substance use and abuse, the roles of coaching and emotion, challenges of child maltreatment, climates for scandal and athlete activism, and questions on animals in sporting competition.
Part IV: Lifespan and Careers considers child socialization, youth and elite athlete development, the roles of sport in education and social mobility, migratory sport labor practices, arcs defining athletic careers, aging and retirement, and emergent lifestyle sport cultures.
Part V: Inclusion and Exclusion considers sport’s role in social inclusion and exclusion and in development and discrimination and features treatments of race and ethnicity; indigenous experiences; the intersection of bodily ideals, obesity, and disability; and the gendered impacts on masculinities, femininities, and nonbinary experience.
Part VI: Spectator Engagement and Media considers sporting heroism and celebrity, fandom and hooliganism, gambling and match-fixing, and the influences of sport journalism, television and film treatments, advertising, and new media.