Cózar Murillo, B., La guerra de Ucrania: II, De la conquista de Lugansk a la contraofensiva ucraniana, 2023
Burlamaqui, L.G., The Making of a Global FIFA: Cold War Politics and the Rise of João Havelange to the FIFA Presidency, 2023
Boogaard, J. van den, Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law: Refocusing the Balance in Practice, 2023
Humphreys, B., The Regulation of Air Transport: From Protection to Liberalisation, and Back Again, 2023
Henderson, Christian. The Use of Force and International Law. Second ed., Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Rydberg, Agnes Viktoria. The Duty to Safeguard the Object and Purpose of Pending Treaties : A Closer Examination of Article 18 Vclt. Brill/Nijhoff, 2024.
Platjouw, F.M. and A. Pozdnakova (eds.),The Environmental Rule of Law for Oceans: Designing Legal Solutions, 2023