In collaboration with Brill Publishers,The Hague Academy of International Law recently published "Epidemics and International Law", the 22nd volume of the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations Series.
This timely publication is the result of collaborative work conducted by the Centre directors, professor Shinya Murase (Sophia University, Tokyo) and Ms. Suzanne Zhou (McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer, Melbourne) and the Centre participants between August 2020 and April 2021.
The book includes thirty-one essays on epidemics in relation to international law in general and with the interrelationships of several international law disciplines and applicable international law rules.
You can request this publication at the Peace Palace Library here.
The Centre 2020 Bibliography on Epidemics and International Law which has been compiled by Ms. Eveline N. van Trigt from the Peace Palace Library, The Hague, can be found here (See: 'Bibliographies').
Centre for Studies and Research - Hague Academy of International Law
Institut de Droit International - Twelfth Commission: Epidemics and International Law - Report - Epidemics and International Law / Les épidémies et le droit international, Rapporteur: Shinya Murase, 30 December 2020.
- Institut de Droit International - Twelfth Commission: Epidemics and International Law - Online Session - 2021 - Resolution - 12 RES EN 4 September 2021