The Future of Investment Treaty Arbitration in the EU is a uniquely descriptive book that provides a comprehensive analysis of the implications of the Achmea judgment in the current landscape of investment protection within the European Union (EU) and internationally. In the aftermath of the Achmea judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the legal community and business are still trying to understand its real effects and the other implications at the EU level. This book highlights a proposed new framework for investment protection in the EU with a focus mainly on investment treaty arbitration and energy-related investments. This new framework reflects the changing position of EU with respect to Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), the on-going discussions to reform the ISDS under the auspices of the UNCITRAL Working Group III which include the establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court, as well as the judgment of the CJEU in Achmea. It also analyses the relationship between the Energy Charter Treaty and the ISDS.