Gold, H., Japan's Infamous Unit 731: Firsthand Accounts of Japan's Wartime Human Experimentation Program, 2019
Gonzalez-Salzberg, D.A. and L. Hodson, Research Methods for International Human Rights Law. Beyond the Traditional Paradigm, 2020
Wu, C.W. and F. Gaenssmantel, Law and Diplomacy in the Management of EU-Asia Trade and Investment Relations, 2020
Droesse, G., Membership in International Organizations. Paradigms of Membership Structures, Legal Implications of Membership and the Concept of International Organization, 2020
Rasilla y del Moral, I. de la, and J.E. Viñuales, Experiments in International Adjudication: Historical Accounts, 2019
Rossi, C.R., Whiggish International Law: Elihu Root, the Monroe Doctrine, and International Law in the Americas, 2019