Græger, N. and H. Leira, The Duty of Care in International Relations. Protecting Citizens Beyond the Border, 2020
Droesse, G., Membership in International Organizations. Paradigms of Membership Structures, Legal Implications of Membership and the Concept of International Organization, 2020
Anderton, C.H. and J.R. Carter, Principles of Conflict Economics: the Political Economy of War, Terrorism, Genocide, and Peace, 2019
Rasilla y del Moral, I. de la, and J.E. Viñuales, Experiments in International Adjudication: Historical Accounts, 2019
Rossi, C.R., Whiggish International Law: Elihu Root, the Monroe Doctrine, and International Law in the Americas, 2019
Rytövuori-Apunen, H., Power and Conflict in Russia's Borderlands: the Post-Soviet Geopolitics of Dispute Resolution, 2020
Natoli, T. and A. Riccardi, Borders, Legal Spaces and Territories in Contemporary International Law: Within and Beyond, 2019
Nguyẽ̂n Nhã, H.N. and V.-T. Lam, Vietnam, Territoriality and the South China Sea: Paracel and Spratly Islands, 2019
Saikia, P. and A. Basu Ray Chaudhury, India and Myanmar Borderlands: Ethnicity, Security and Connectivity, 2020
Wempe, S.A., Revenants of the German Empire: Colonial Germans, Imperialism, and the League of Nations, 2019
Callahan, M.D., The League of Nations, International Terrorism, and British Foreign Policy, 1934-1938, 2018